Thursday, May 12, 2011

when the words stop... know that you've gotten too busy for your own good.

being too busy is what most people i know do very well -- their layers of busy build up out of need, then out of desire for distraction, then simply out of routine. it happens to everyone, obviously, and i'm no exception. but being too busy is a sure way to crush poetic instinct, or any other artistic expression.

i know that i haven't been practicing writing regularly for very long, but after i tried to take just a few days away (which became 2 weeks), it really hit me that there is a reward for everyday practice -- the words will not abandon you.

when i don't write every day, words devolve into lists, a sense of freedom lapses into the default of routine -- and it gets more and more difficult to practice poetry again. we all know there is some peace to living with head full of white noise.

it's not writer's block. it's a very delicate scale that weighs experience + sensation against expression. and when one side is too heavy the other side has to battle for balance.

poetry to come soon...
love, bree